I do not know what it is about the San Francisco Muni but single time I get on that bus I end up getting yelled at. Not by a mean old bus driver hating his monotonous life (sorry for the rather bold assumption bus drivers, I'm sure some routes are rather thrilling... really) and no I don't get yelled at by some wanna be gangsta G 13 year old taking the bus home from middle school. Every time I step through those glass doors and up the gum and grime laden steps and take my seat on a used swine flu infested plastic seat (if I'm lucky enough to snag one) a little old Asian lady finds a reason to yell at me. It never fails. Now most of the time I am not quick enough to pick up on why exactly they are raising their voice toward me, for I can rarely understand what they are saying. However, today I was able to understand through a series of violent gestures.
Let me give you a slight background: today was a downpour in the city. In the six minutes and twenty-three seconds that it took to walk to the bus stop from my apartment the wind inverted my umbrella twice and I was soaked. Now I don't know when the last time you were out in a downpour but when you end up soaked you tend to drip water wherever you go. Anyhow, so I get on the bus and accidentally drip water on the seat next to me. Now since it is pouring rain, not that many people are out and about so the bus is pretty empty. We take off and then screech to a halt at the next stop. A very old Asian lady steps on the bus and takes a look at the seat next to me then looks me in the eye with a stare that makes me feel as though she just walked out of the gates of hell just to come give me a piece of her mind. I shiver in my Sperrys (not because of her but because it's absolutely freezing and I have lost my body fat due to the recovery). I do however, look away and sigh because I know that the much expected old Asian lady fight is about to exhaust me once more. Through a serious of fast paced sentences being spat at me and large gestures from the seat to me I sit through her yell and lecture at me. The whole time all I can think is this, if the water is that much of a problem A. what on EARTH are you doing out of the house in the pouring rain and B. SIT IN ONE OF THE OTHER TWENTY AVAILABLE SEATS ON THE BUS! I continue to ignore her and she plops down on the seat next to the one with five drops of water on it and continues to occasionally look at me, huff, lock eyes with an old Asian man on the bus, and shake her head.
Okay old Asian ladies who ride the San Francisco Muni, I understand that you all seem to ooze anger the second I walk onto the bus but if I am such a demon seed to you all JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!
To demonstrate my point I leave you with this hysterical youtube video. Please make sure you watch the video in it's entirety or it will lose it's awesomeness.
Disclaimer: I have nothing against old Asian ladies and by no means have the intention of stereotyping all the muni-riding oldies in San Francisco. I would just prefer if 90% didn't absolutely hate me.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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hahah that is pretty funny - beware of the old asian ladies! Cute post hun - sorry you had to deal with that!
oh.my.goodness.... i've had my share of angry-for-no-reason people on the bus! these rude people should all be taken somewhere and given a lecture on common decency! and that video... was she really talking about pop music? that seems so weird!
Haha I have NO idea what they were actually fighting about. It's so crazy though! Why does everyone have to be so angry on the bus?
ahahah... i'm pretty sure it's your gorgeous red hair. red hair is from the devil, right?
p.s - i love the way you write!
The old Asian lady gave you the stink eye on a downpour day?? WTH is up with that??
Okay, that video was pretty dang funny. That Asian lady was ready to deliver a beat down!!
I wanted to personally thank you for the Sheldon Cooper videos. He's so dreamy! :) Look forward to learning more about you!
they totally do hate you. Maybe you need a magic charm.
oh my goodness this is cracking me up! that video!! haha! too crazy!
any rude or angry for no reason people are the absolute worst.
love your blog!
{and yOu should totally "steal" the little note idea!}
oh and loving the soduku on the side!
HAHA Irrational hate is so ODD.
So glad you found me!
For some reason, you remind me of my cousin-- my gorgeous, trend-setting, went to college in SF cousin. Although, being that she is half Asian, I'm not sure if 90% of old Asian ladies hate her...
Confessions From A Working Mom
okay so like, there's basically pee in my pants.
you're hysterical, and i love reading your writing! :)
Curlygirl <3
it's not just the asian ones - most old ladies are pretty freaking angry
i have sumfing for you on my blog today!
looks like someone needs to buy a taser, its the only way they will learn.
Hey I've meaning to come by sooner than this, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I wanted to thank you for following and for giving me that link for calcium rich foods. That was really sweet of you. So thank you so much! I'm a new follower now. :)
Droping by to say hi.. :) I have new post in section news..Read.. Thanks :)
follow my blog..
follow my blog..
follow my blog please
Very funny..... a little scary.....but still very funny!!
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