Wednesday, October 7, 2009

That Redhead Connection

Two posts in two hours. I'm like a heroin addict, one entry and I'm already looking for my next fix.

So, I was sitting on my couch waiting for the fabulous Wonderful Wednesday Lineup as I like to call it which consists of SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Dance, for you uncultured baffoons that
clearly need to watch a little more fox during prime time television hours even if it means having less of a life) and Glee. What more could a dancer want out of life!? Well apparently, this dancer needs an injection of So as I sit, I twitched with anticipation wondering how long I'd have to hold out through the withdrawal syndromes until it was socially acceptable to post a second blog. I mean jeesh, I only JUST started a few hours ago.

That's right I just thesaurused digress. So what? Now you're thanking me for teaching you a new word. And yes I made thesaurus into a verb, what's it to ya?

Anyways, I was plopped onto the couch (err loveseat, Roomie and I really do need to invest in some more sitting space) fighting off all of these ideas to blog about trying to convince myself that I can fight through the withdrawals and wait
at least a day and then it hit me. The Redhead Connection. I couldn't just ignore this one.

Fellow gingers (sorry plain johns&janes you can read too... it'll give you an insight),
Have you ever noticed that almost eerie connection when you pass another carrot-topped feller on the streets or are introduced to a friend of a friend because "He's a redhead too!". Why is that? You think blondes get that look in their eye like no one else understands the life of a blonde but them? No. What's the big deal? Yes, I have red hair. No, It is not fake.

The only thing worse is when you meet face to face with a creepy redhead of the opposite sex. NO I AM NOT INTERESTED JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE RED HAIR. And HELL NO it does not give you the merit to use phrases like "sweet thing," "gorgeous," or my personal favorite, "babygirl" I am not a baby and I sure as hell am not your girl.
And for that matter, nor should you ever utter the words "baby girl" ESPECIALLY as a pale-skinned, freckle-faced, ginger. Got it? Good.
Sorry for the harsh words, I'm sure you're not all like that, boys; and the Redheaded pale skinned creeper from Lovefest, I'm sorry -- Lovelution, just ruined it for you all in my head. But someone had to say it.

p.s. no matter how hard I try, the second half still posts in giant letters... hmm

Help a Newbie out...

Yes, I said newbie & yes, I'll continue to say dorky, over-rated, never heard, and/or cliché things... there's no stoppin' me!

Welcome to my blog.

I say this because I don't really know how else to start off a blog. I don't have anything epic or incredibly witty to say to you that makes you immediately click the "follow" button and admire my coolness... I just like to talk. For the most part, to anybody who'll listen.

I'm a talker, always have been, always will be. There's just no shutting me up. I love to write. The days of Xanga (before myspace was IT and before Facebook was even more IT) were when I was at my cyber-happiest. So I've been reading... err... I should probably start picking up the blogging dialect... following some fellow blogger's blogs (alliteration is my guilty pleasure) and exploding with the need to write. I've always secretly enjoyed writing once I start but therein lies the problem: where to start.

I've had this account for a while just always sittin' around taunting me by waiting around till I'm ready. Practically screaming at me that I'm a gutless wimp. Just start already!

So here I am. Months later. Starting.

Ever get the feeling that you're a new kid on the block (no not the boy band) in way more ways than one? What to do! Where to begin?? And what's worse... what to do next?!

Any suggestions for a new kid desperately trying to fit into the blogging world? And how do I do that fancy-smanshy trick where any words you type are a link? Help!